Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Saturday Walk down the Mall...

On Friday, after class, we went to the Library of Congress (yup, I got pictures. And I’m definitely going back!). After that, I decided to walk home through the Mall, straight from the Capitol to the Washington Monument. It took me about an hour, but that was because I was relishing the walk. And crossing a few busy streets that intersected the Mall. And taking pictures. Anyway, it was a wonderful experience, and it deserves to be chronicled, visually.

Here's a view of the Capitol (and the Monument, farther out) from inside the Library of Congress.

I love this shot. Look how close I got to the U.S. Capitol!

Look how happy I am to be so close!

"Obama was here. Jan '09." See the inscription....? Just kidding.

I was surprised at the lack of security guards and of people in general. I guess they just think the Capitol is kind of boring. But not me. I was so excited I almost ran and jumped the dinky little fence!!!!!!

Here’s a shot of the Capitol building with the reflecting pool.

Here’s what you DON’T see in the tourist shots of the reflecting pool....kind of sad.

Here’s the Eastern half of the National Gallery of Art. The moderny, non-Parthenon, non-cool side.
Here’s the Western half. Home of the fair Ruthena.

And this, dahling, is the Hirshhorn Museum. Vaaaary pretty, but ooo-la-la, mustn’t touch the delicate pointy red sculpture! I have heard rumors that there’s a giant spider at the main entrance and a huge naked man on the first floor—fancy!!!! Quite the barbarian establishment, I believe...

Yar, matey, this here be the infamous Nat’ral History Museum! Here there be sharks and whales and vermin and critters of all types. Thar also be booty and gems, fer a price. And if yer wonderin’ where all the kids in DC be, well, here’s yer place!

Caption 1: I have a castle on my head!!!!@!@!#&!

Caption 2: Benedictus Es, Benedictus es Domine Deus...

Actually, the inside of the castle is not all that impressive. There’s a lot of office and informational stuff, and just a few exhibits. But the outside is definitely one of the most beautiful structures on the Mall.

The National Museum of American History. I give it five stars and a thumbs-up!!!!!!

And this is me trying to recreate the look on Dorothy’s face in the first scene of The Wizard of Oz, since her ruby slippers are on display in the NMAH... Heh heh. Yes, I know I’m corny.

That’s all for tonight, but I promise I will try to post more photos and entries over the week, with long-awaited pictures from Inauguration and everything else that’s been going on. Thanks for your patience, love, prayers, and...COMMENTS!


Kirsti said...

Caption 3: Ruthena the Brave may dwell at the NGA, but at last Princess Ruth the Fair has found her own, modest abode!

Caption 4: What's that in the sky? It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's... oh, yeah. It is a plane.

Caption 5: It was not until she was passing the castle grounds at the D.C. mall that she finally understood the punchline. "Oh! I see! To get to the other side! Huh." But the joke still wasn't that funny.

H G Miller said...

Great to see pictures of all the different buildings in D.C.
Keep up the posting (and the pictures)!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for the pictures! Caption for #7 - What the tourists do not see in the brochures: Gross! My favorite is the castle on your head! Thanks for letting us know the "cool" vs. "uncool" sides of the National Art Gallery. Have you actually been inside the Hirshhorn Museum? or was it just a little too creepy to think about? Great job on this post!

Hoosier said...

Good to talk with you yesterday, and thanks for the interesting posts and pix! Looks like I will have to re-do the fingerprints with the Orem PD, as suspected. Also, Spectrum tells me that the Hall County Health Department maintains that I worked their for seven years, so I am all astonishment. I had no idea any entity could keep such horrible records, even in government. Perhaps I can ask for back pay!

Hoosier said...

Oops! Make that, "...I worked THERE for seven years..."