Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Kiddies

The older you get, the more you appreciate the gifts that can't be wrapped at Christmas. Things like time off from school and yummy traditional foods and Christmas songs and seeing family. Especially when family = an adorable little chubby-legged 6 mo. old nephew named Robertickus Floof. In addition to my own cute nephews, this year I got to share Matt's adorable niece, Aimee Hales, who is definitely on her way to being a model. Possibly a comedian. Look at that face!

She tried to give me a serious face once, but it turned out to be too difficult for her not to crack herself up.
If you look closely in the background, you can see Aimee's little brother, Brian, snuggling with Matt's older sister Katie. Brian is a month older than Edward, but a great deal less talkative. He is, however, extremely focused when it comes to blowing out candles and opening presents.

Such confidence! Such silliness! Brava!

Though the focus of the night was on baby Jesus, it was hard not to become entirely absorbed in the gurgling grunts of baby Robert throughout the night.

To say nothing of that little ham, Edward, who went about dispensing Christmas cheer through hugs and flung jingle bells.

"I give hugs!!!??"

Yes, Edward, you give hugs.

Except to Aunt Mary Alma, who ended up getting a tickle partner for the rest of the night.

And the cutest shot of the night goes to..............................................................

Such expression! Such emotion! Such natural grace and poise? Oh Robert, how will I live when you are too old to be squeezed and kissed mercilessly?
Of course, I would have to give the runner-up to this one.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures! I like the one of Robert looking up.