Sunday, August 2, 2009

Saturday Recap - so long ago, does anyone even care?

After receiving FIVE comments on my last post, which snidely remarked that Hoosier was the only (or at least, most) faithful reader of the lot of all y’all, I can draw no other conclusion than that my evil plan to get comments on my blog through any means necessary is working. Seriously, folks—loooooooooooooooooooove the comments.

First, to write about Saturday! I slept in just a little bit—until 7:00 am, if you can believe that, Mom—and then went for a 30 min run. Very refreshing! I came home, showered, and had a yummy breakfast in a relatively quiet house. Grandpa, Daniel, and Joseph had gone to a Men’s Bible Group Study (I believe the topic had something to do with the seventh commandment, of all things!), and Kirsti told me Edward had not had the smoothest of nights, and had kept Kirsti and Joseph up for most of the night. Apparently they had walked all over the house and even outside, and he had even hollered once right outside my door, without my even hearing him. Perhaps I will turn out to be a deep sleeper like Mom after all!!!

After reading scriptures and some more in Fablehaven, I went for a long walk with Joseph, Kirsti, and Edward, taking many pictures which you shall have the joy of seeing in a future post. We walked for over an hour, and enjoyed ourselves very much, but did end up getting sort of lost after finding the entrance to Brent Mead and not being able to wind our way back. Luckily, Kirsti had brought her cell phone, and we called Grandpa, who began to give us directions until Grandma snatched the phone and decided to solve everything by simply driving to our rescue. Edward had a dirty diaper anyway, and I was pretty badly sunburned from the excursion, so perhaps things worked out for the best.

At home, we ate lunch—approximately enough to feed a starving army—and read/slept around (this time, unfortunately, I was very aware of Edward’s fussy protestations against nap-taking) until Aunt Shelly called with the news that we were going for another, longer, more exciting bike ride. I originally had wanted to go swimming again with Joseph, but since Uncle Billy was leaving on an airplane trip the next day, it would be our last chance to do it with him, so I consented—sorry Joe! We can go swimming Tuesday, ‘kay?

The bike ride was fabulous (but not in capital letters and without an explanation point—I shall explain why shortly). The weather was perfect, it wasn’t too crowded, and the path was just gorgeous—all sorts of things to look at on the side of the road, including a big field, a little river, and a one-room schoolhouse where Uncle Bill used to go to school…(ha ha ha), nice and wide lanes (we’ll overlook the few narrow turns), hills that were not too steep and not too frequent, and my goodness, was it ever big! We went for about 40 min. in one direction, and the bike path just kept going on and on.

The only bad part was the seat on my bike (which was actually Julie’s bike), which bruised and banged against my, um, tailbone/seat/gluteus maximus quite violently, to the point that I still cannot sit on anything hard without contorting in pain. We stopped a couple of times to lower the seat, which made it easier for me to reach the handlebars and keep my balance (I even rode no-hands for a good long bit—impressive when you haven’t ridden a bike in over a year, eh?), but didn’t really help the aching tushie/bottom/buttocks problem. Nonetheless, I tried to bite my tongue and stand up as much as possible and squirm a lot, and distracted myself as much as possible from the problem. I didn’t appreciate at all how comfortable Becky’s bike was the other day. Aunt Shelly offered to take me (and Joseph’s coming too, I think—yay!) bike riding again on Monday morning, and this time I hope to subsequently write a report using capital letters and many explanation points.

After our bike ride, I went home (yes, Tar Heel—home for now refers to Gma and Gpa’s place. Hooray, you cracked the code!), showered, and, uhhh….this is what happens when you wait until the next day to write about the previous one.

Anyway, sometime after that we had dinner—grilled chicken and corn on the cob and tomatoes and cucumbers and watermelon and beans and some kind of heavenly chocolate cheesecake for dessert. It was really too good to eat, but fortunately not too good to be eaten (Ba-ba-boom! Thank you, I’ll be here all week!).

We played with Edward after dinner, mostly, and I have trouble recalling whether we did anything else. Probably talked about the way things used to be and how Uncle Billy had to trudge 10 miles (in the snow, barefoot, uphill—both ways) to that one-roomed schoolhouse when he was a boy.


Hoosier said...

Thanks for another great post. I made it safely back to Layton and will now try to go to sleep. I have no Eddie to wake me up, just the on-call phone which has rung on 3 out of 4 nights at 10:30 p.m. just as I am dozing off. I get to pass it on to the next guy on Wednesday, which should be a very, very good day!

Unknown said...

No pictures? (Wail. Sniff.) That's too bad about your um, posterior caudal end. Keep up the good posts,'kay?