Monday, August 10, 2009

It Happened Last Monday - Pictures!

Horses at the Hermitage! The white one is Andrew and the dark one is Jackson...ha ha.

Edward and the famous brick table.

Which pair resembles the Jacksons more - this?

Or this?

Edward pretending to be a slave harvesting...grass.

Tsk, tsk, that Joseph and Daniel, listening to their rap music... oh wait, it's the audio tour.

Grandpa and Aunt Susie can smile and listen at the same time!

Here's the House. Love the trees.

It's an information board just Edward's size!

That's me and my big - snicker, snicker - brother.

Edward was sure he saw a white rabbit go down the hole, but being a boy, he was too distracted by the dirt to go chasing after it.

These paths were made for walkin...and runnin....

...and dancin'!

Grandpa. Doesn't he look like he could be the gardener?

Look how beautiful they are! I mean, it is! I mean, the picture!

Here Joseph is being so kind as to look at me instead of the mansion of Andrew Jackson behind him.

Two bees stung me while I was trying to take this picture of Kirsti in front of Rachel's tomb.

Ruth (right; alive) and Rachel (left; under the ground; dead).

Family of Floofs.

Video: The Meanderings of Edward.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

It was a rather warm day, but there was sunscreen available. Eddie did seem to do markedly better outdoors; he was crying just minutes after getting into the room where they show the movie about President Jackson's life. An interesting trip; I'd rather be a Reeses Reeses brother than a snicker snicker one, but I could settle for both.