Thursday, August 6, 2009

Saturday Cuteness

Yeah, I know, Saturday was a millennia ago, but cuteness is for all times and ages, 'kay?

Grass! What fascinating stuff! So luscious! So green! So . . . MUCH!

Father, I insist we buy this house. Look, Mother is even nodding to show her approval.

We had a tickle-monster trailing us for part of the way. . . Edward was the only casualty.

Here, I think, we were having a conversation on whether or not Joseph and Kirsti's shirts complimented each other.

E: "I have no memory of this place . . ." K: "It's that way, Eddiegrin Took. Don't you smell the chocolate? When in doubt, always follow your nose."

Extra! Extra! Get your free dose of cuteness right here!


Unknown said...

Glad to see we all survived the attack of the tickle monster. I cannot get over his blond hair! so cute!

Kirsti said...

I suspect we brought the tickle monster back to NC with us; he keeps popping up.

Unknown said...

Looking forward to seeing the blog results when the daily bike ride, swim laps, do a touristy trip to wherever, eat a family dinner with the Hughes, play a game, watch a movie, work a soduku, puzzle and read a book routine tapers off. GPA.