Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Single vs. Married

Dedicated to Kirsti's comment on the previous post...

Number of times I cooked dinner for myself/anyone when I was single: Somewhere between 0 and 5
Number of times I've cooked dinner for Matthew and me now that I'm married: Somewhere around 50.

Reasons I had for procrastinating homework when I was single: I'm tired, I want to read, I want to watch a movie, I want to INTERNET!, I'm bored.
Reasons I procrastinate homework now that I'm married: I need to clean the bathroom, make the bed, clean the kitchen, cook dinner, spend time with Matthew, exercise, etc.

How I exercised when I was single: Woke up around 5 or 6 am, ran to gym, lifted weights or ran, ran home
How I exercise when I'm married: Um...climb the stairs to campus? Wrestle my husband? Sweat off the calories in our oven-esque apartment?

Sundays when I was single: So. Boring.
Sundays when I'm married: HOORAY! TIME WITH MATTHEW!

Pretty much every spare evening when I was single: So. Boring.
Pretty much every spare evening when I'm married: HOORAY! MORE TIME WITH MATTHEW!!

Number of cute guys on campus when I was single: #2,687 - approximately 9/10 of whom were already married, engaged, or in a relationship.
Number of cute guys on campus when I'm married: Just one for me - his picture is on my phone :)

How I viewed married students when I was single: feelings of jealousy that they were married and I hadn't been on a date in two years/shock and surprise that they weren't always breathtakingly beautiful and skinny/knowing and cynical when they were breathtakingly beautiful and skinny/felt that they must be older than they looked/pity that they would probably be taking finals while they were pregnant, etc.
How I view married students now that I'm married: feelings of belonging to a club of some sort/mutual acceptance and congratulations/excitement that we probably have a number of experiences in common/happiness that there are other happy people/feeling that marriage is perfectly normal and so am I, etc.

How I viewed single students when I was single: Either cute or not cute/smart or not smart/date-able or not date-able
How I view single students now that I'm married: Aw....they're all so little and naive and single. So adorable!

Number of times I've been asked "When are you going to have a baby?" when I was single: 0.
Number of times I've been asked "When are you going to have a baby?" now that I'm married: About once a month by Aimee, Matthew's 6-year-old niece.

Luxuries of being single: A new dinner every night!
Luxuries of being married: When we have enough food that we can have LEFTOVERS the next night!

Number of times I wished I was married when I was single: 9,760,548,345.
Number of times I wished I was single after being married: 0.


Daniel said...

Number of seconds in a year: 31,556,926
If you wished once every second from the time you were born, it would have taken you approximately 309.3 years. Since you were married at age 22, your average wish/sec rate (from birth to marriage) was around 13.5 times per second. Unless... did you receive a revelation about your wishing habits in the premortal life?
OK, ok...
I think the number of times after being married is very sweet.

Unknown said...

I liked this post. Very creative. I bet there are some single students out there that are years older than you, and if they knew you were thinking, "Aw, how cute! So little and naive!" They might punch you in the face. :) But since this is your blog and it is what it is, you can say whatever you want. If I'm being honest... now that I'm an "old lady" in my ward and I'm surrounded by tons of "young married couples"... I think about them the same way you think about single students. So I guess we're even! And ya know what? I love your guts. :)

Ruth said...

Ha ha, you're probably right, Bree. All those young married people with children are also probably thinking the same thing about me as well... "What, no children yet? She's in for a big surprise..." Love your guts back!