Friday, April 15, 2011

Meet the New Face!

I just gave my blog a facelift. Three facelifts, to be precise.

On a side note, it took me a good minute to recognize that "facelift" was the word I was looking for. It's a funny word, first of all, and when I hear it, the first thing I think of is a drill sergeant barking out, "Facelift! Faceriiight!" Also, I really, truly at first thought that the word I was looking for was "faceplant," proving that my brain apparently decided to take a vacation after I finished college.

Anyway, I hope the new colors don't offend anyone. I like green a lot. (I like blue too, but I think green is my favorite. Don't tell blue.) Plus, it's starting to get warmer and I really am excited about all the green grass and flowers coming up.

I also added a lot of blogs I follow! Why, with all of those blogs, you probably think all I do all day is sit around reading all of those blogs! Well, you shouldn't think that, because you'd be wrong. I also have been eating pudding and checking my e-mail, so there.


H G Miller said...

Oooh green (eyes glaze over) lol How's Texas? :D

Kirsti said...

Edward provided a happy running commentary as I read over your most recent post (at the time I write this comment, that would be the one contrasting your wedding prep to your parents'): "That's Grandma! And Aunt Rufe! And Matt!" But it wasn't until we got to this post that he got really excited: "Look, Mommy! That's Belle!"

Which is all to say that Edward very much approves of the new look. (As do I, even if I didn't go into hysterics over it. Almost, but not quite.)