Tuesday, March 29, 2011

February 2011 Media Inventory

Remember February? I thought not. Yeah, hardly anything *WINK WINK* happened in February. Ten movies and one book. Compare that to thirty movies and three books last February - yowza! Things are a-changin! And we all thought I'd have MORE time to watch and read stuff after graduating. Ha ha ha.


Bridget Jones' Diary: Quite the nerve this movie has, advertising itself as so akin to "Pride and Prejudice" that those who like one will like the other. Though I winced throughout a lot of it, the fight scene between Hugh Grant and Colin Firth (or, for Austen movie fans, Edward Ferrars and Mr. Darcy) was awfully entertaining.

He's Just Not That Into You: Scandalous and scandalous-er! I can still remember my roommates all going out to see this when it came out while I was in D.C. Though to a certain extent I can admit with them that it's "so true," I'm glad I at least didn't spend any money on it.

Juno: For some reason I was in the mood. It was actually more somber than I remembered.

In the Arms of Angels: A darling little LDS film based on a true story. We watched it in family home evening.

Yes Man: Matt is a rather fervent fan of Jim Carrey, and we both love comedies and movies in general, but for some reason we couldn't get through this film. The humor was strangely off-putting (yes! I have always wanted to use that!).

Casablanca: My very first memory of this movie is trying to sneak downstairs to watch glimpses of it while Dad and Mom were watching it on their anniversary. They had sent us upstairs on the cooked-up claim that it was "too adult" for us. Lured by thoughts of violent, passionate scenes and dialogue, I was disappointed to discover that "adult" meant "black and white, plus lots of boring, serious talk." Fortunately, I have become more appreciative of it over the years, and I forced Matt to watch it with me this year after he confessed to never having seen it before.

Lars and the Real Girl: A sweet, strange little film. It's not what it seems (Ha! Swan Princess, anyone?), and it's likely to disappoint people (oddly, two sorts of people - both from opposite ends of the spectrum expecting different things), but it's got a decent, worthwhile message to convey. I really liked seeing the mother from "Dear Frankie" (cutest little film ever) as well!

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: I didn't think I would like Lupin, but I did. And then I wanted to like Sirius so badly, but I didn't. At least Voldemort was awesome. Oh wait. Shoot . . . he wasn't . . . there.

Monsters, Inc: I can't believe it's taken me this long to see this adorable Pixar film! It's all classic, touching, humorous Pixar stuff. Especially loved the cute opening/closing sequence.


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: I don't remember much about it. It was good. I like the word "Azkaban." It makes me think of "Tashbaan."

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