Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A very special Valentine's Day

I know it's March already, but let's go back to February for a minute. February 14th, to be specific. It was my dad's birthday, a Monday, Valentine's Day, and "the day when I drove back to Orem from Sandy because I had forgotten 30% of all my belongings on Sunday." Though I hate to drive on the freeway at night by myself, it turned out that the trip was well worth it.

I only spent about an hour in Orem. Matthew had been planning to celebrate Valentine's Day with me on Wednesday in Sandy, but as soon as he found out I was coming down, he rushed to get me a present (a dozen red roses! He refused to tell me where he got them or how much they cost, and I in turn agreed not to delete the following pictures which feature me with unwashed, greasy hair) and even made me dinner (well, technically he made dinner for his whole family - but he saved me a plate and warmed it up for me, so that counts, right?).

Probably my favorite Valentine's Day gift I've ever gotten. Even if I did have to throw them away after a few weeks.

Awwww. Look at our matching Christmas colors!

This is my personal favorite of Matt. He thinks he looks like a creepy stalker, but I disagree. An adorable, cute stalker - that I could see.

My real Valentine's Day present.

The flowers' final resting place in their position of honor in my room in Sandy. After they had been appropriately oohed and aahed over by all the roommates, of course.

Look at all the things my Matthew gets me! A couch! A cuddly adorable stuffed animal! Flowers! Now, WHERE'S THE CHOCOLATE!!!!???????

I'm not really blushing here - just trying to hide from the camera. I wouldn't make a very good flower.

I hope everyone else had a happy Valentine's Day as well. Happy and perfect as mine was, it turned out to be only a rehearsal for the excitement/romance to come.

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