Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmasy Ramblings

It's only five days until Christmas, and I am STOKED. Why am I so much more motivated to work on Christmas presents for nine people than I am to grade my 202 and 250 students' music papers and final exams? It's a Christmas mystery...

Anyway, in between making 100 presents this week, here are the things I'm hoping to get done:

a. Finish all my grading - gotta give those poor students something for Christmas.
b. Organize all my school stuff - can you believe the new semester starts January 4th?!?!? Yikes!
c. Play with my adorable nephew, Eddie. He is so adorable now that he can run around and make babbling noises. He has hardly cried at all since he's been here, and spends a lot of time playing with my hair (he likes to touch his forehead to mine and then touch my braid) and chasing Teddy, trying to give him a hug.
d. Christmas shopping. Shhhh.
e. Take Sarah and Hannah to see "New Moon." Sisterly obligation, of course. They still can't drive. And I was too busy to get them a birthday present this year, know.The things I'm willing to do for them... !!!
f. Go to the airport with Mom to pick up Uncle Val (aka Unc) on Tuesday. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!
g. Go to our ward family home evening. I have no excuse to miss it now that school's out :(

Today was a good day. I went to church by myself since Daniel wanted to attend the family ward and see their Christmas program. I had to play the organ. Sacrament meeting went well, and then Daniel came back for Sunday School, and then we had a nice Relief Society which was our last lesson on the life of Joseph Smith. I have really enjoyed studying his teachings for the past two years, and am grateful for all the good things that have come from his work.

Joseph came by for dinner without Kirsti and Edward (K. has been feeling sick), and he stayed for family home evening and Teddy's walk. It was fun just having the siblings together (except Mary Alma :(...), and it reminded me of the times we had when Joseph would tell us funny stories and organize us to do crazy things when we were little. Ah, good old memories...

Speaking of sick people, Teddy has apparently come down with something. He woke the twins up three times last night to go potty and then threw up two or three times today. Ugh! It's funny how we react to our pets - my rabbit Jacques never threw up, and our dog Yeller threw up so much it was just accepted as normal behavior. We think Teddy could be reacting to the stress of having Eddie chase him around whenever he's here, so it's probably for the best that he had a day off.

Well, time to see if I can make one more Christmas card before going to bed tonight.


Daniel said...

A defense for Yeller: I don't remember him throwing up that often. He occasionally scavenged and once he ate dirt around his fence in the backyard, but in general he was a happy healthy pet. I'm so grateful for the great pets we've had and have yet to have.

Unknown said...

We had a lot of pets since we were married. The first was a small beagle formally named Powder Horn Bugle Anne which we promptly shortened to Annie. I was really fond of her and she was not only a good pet but a good hunting dog. The only rabbit dog I had that would come in from hunting when you called her. When we moved to the farm a little kitten wandered up to the house and adopted us. She was very good mouser and cleaned out the chipmunks near the house plus catching moles. I think Marilyn named her Persephanie although there was a cat named Ophelia that I may have switched names on. She abandoned us when a neighbor gave us a couple of dogs. I retrieved her several times from places near by but she was determined not to share with the dogs and Marilyn never accepted pets in the house with the exception of Annie on an occasional basis. GPA.

Ruth said...

I'll bet you never remember Yeller throwing up because no one ever made a big deal about it. Ta-da!