Friday, December 18, 2009

Free at last, free at last!

Is it surprising that the first music that rushed into my head after I finished my Civil War Exam was "Amazing Grace"? The answer is yes it was, especially since for no reason whatsoever last night I was overcome with a feverish urge to download four Elvis songs on YouTube and play them over and over again while I read my notes. I studied until about 2 am last night, slept until 6, got up and drove off to get a side-aisle seat before 6:45, and finished that sucker in 2 hours and 50 minutes - a new record for the shortest amount of time it has taken me to take a history test! After I finished, I shook my professor's hand and he said I could pick up the final at his office next semester - yeah! It felt SOOOO wonderful to be done. Not even the 95 on my film journal which I went to pick up today could dampen my mood. I couldn't be happier if the South had won the war! Hmmm...Nah, I like that sentence.

So, to catch y'all up with my life (y'all don't mind if I start calling y'all y'all, do y'all?) since my last post back in the antebellum period - that would be October - and just to engage in some bragging and back-slapping, here's what I managed to accomplish:

a. Got an A- on a Civil War Paper which I researched and wrote in less than a week. This may not sound like much to you, but I was THRILLED. For some reasons, history teachers always give me higher grades on papers than on essay tests. Oh, ugh - now you all know that I've gotten a B+ or less on my tests...

b. Wrote an Emerson paper in, ah, 2-3 days. I don't know how that one's turned out yet, wants chocolate?

c. Got 100 points on my American Studies journals, proposal, and paper (minus 10 on the last). There will be an A on that transcript, folks.

d. Got complimented by my film teacher after class - he said I was welcome to come to his class next semester even if I couldn't enroll, and also encouraged me to go to grad school. Hmmm...letter of recommendation possibility?

e. Did 100% of all the reading for my AmSt class. Yeah, I know, I already talked about it in point c), but this is a mile marker worthy of its own letter. This might be the first time since I was a freshman that I've done 100% reading for anything.

f. Stayed well the WHOLE semester! I had a rash and a stiff ankle for a week or two, but other than that, nothing. Wow.

g. Watched some gooooooooood movies. Oh, you'd better believe it. Recommendations TBA.

Well, time to do some of my postponed TA business and start getting excited about Joseph and Kirsti's visit later today (and of course, their presents for us - I mean, Edward!).


Hoosier said...

A feverish download of 4 Elvis songs on YouTube while studying for a final exam would not support your assertion that you stayed well the whole semester - or at least that is one physician's opinion. Congratulations for surviving and even prospering through such adversity, in any case, and I hope to discover that the delerium has passed leaving no ill effects.

Unknown said...

With support like that the south may rise again after all. Speaking for all your blog fans welcome back to the world of the living. That rush of the wind was a huge sigh of relief from Brushboro Drive. I am sur e Edward will not disppoint his aunt. Gpa.

Shelly said...

I am so happy to read a post by Ruth again! Congratulations on all of your achievements. While I don't think he would recommend studying to his music, your Uncle Bill will love that you listened to Elvis. He did hang wallpaper in Elvis's house - while Elvis was there. Merry Christmas and have fun playing with Edward!

Kirsti said...

I cannot quite agree with all the anti-Elvis sentiment going around in these comments. What better studying fodder than "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" At any rate, congratulations on completing the semester!

Daniel said...

Amazing Grace sounds about right. I am no Elvis fan, but I'm intrigued by Uncle Billy's little story; we'll have to hear more of that some time.