Thursday, April 2, 2009

Random Picture Post

I got tired of not posting any pictures just because I don't have time to write about all my adventures in as much detail as I want to, so I'm going to break with tradition here and just post some of my favorite pictures from the past three months.

The incredible cupcake mosaic at the National Portrait Gallery, made in honor of Abe Lincoln's 200th birthday. I'm sorry for the weird angle and the missing cupcakes - I wasn't quick enough to get to a good spot before the cupcakes were divvied out, and I had to turn the camera upside down.

Taking a bite of Obama.
In the "Big" exhibit at the National Archives, one of the items on display was a size 22 shoe of Shaquille O'Neal's, given to George W. Bush. Suddenly my feet don't seem all that big!
Here's an interesting item on display at the National Archives. Save your documents for when I become a famous author, Charles Miller!

I revisited the National Portrait Gallery and got a picture of my candidate for the most handsome general in the Civil War. Any guesses as to his identity?

This banner in the National Portrait Gallery really makes me think of Unc. I have two questions: First, does anyone else feel the same way? Second, does anyone know who this is?

Adorable sculpture of a baby at the National Portrait Gallery. It reminded me of little Eddiefloofsters, so I had to take a picture.
And this one, next to it, would be Kirsti, naturally. Can you see the resemblance?

Me in Christ's Church in Philadelphia. This is where several founding fathers, including Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, went to church.

Mike Bean trying to distract me from the historic moment. *Rooooll eyes* I'm sitting in George Washington's family pew, by the way!

It seems like such a long time since I was afraid to walk by myself to the Lincoln Memorial. Now I go there every Sunday.
Did you know they have to mow the lawn at the White House? Well, they DO!

Me in one of the interactive mail trucks at the National Postal Museum. I really like how I look in this picture, particularly since you can't see how I look. Note the beautiful red, white, and blue colors in the composition. I can't decide - should I be a photographer or a mail(wo)man?

Did you like the random picture post? Should I do more, or just wait until I get the time and energy to write a real post?


Kirsti said...

Careful, Ruthers -- they say you are what you eat! It could be dangerous to go around eating presidents past or present.

As for the statue of Floofers, I am quite impressed at the chiseled abs. No comment on the other statue...

H G Miller said...

Very cool cupcake picture. I wonder if anyone ended up eating a cupcake half brown/dark brown because of the shading on the two faces...
That picture does have a definite resembelance to Unc.
Great pictures.
As for the one of you and Mike Bean, it's obvious whoever took the picture was laughing!

Anonymous said...

Hey! That's cool how you can click on the pictures and make them bigger! Eat away at Obama I say (he's certainly taking his share out of you - no further ranting). Other than a head with possibly a braid, I see no resemblance between that piece of stone and Kirsti. And YES! post random pictures more often OK?

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing from what you said earlier that the "handsome" general is General Sherman. And I still think it's interesting and kind of amusing too that you compare a lot of '50s movie stars to Unc!

Anonymous said...

My verification code for the last message was "Uncho"- as in "Unc-ho." I could not help a few chuckles.

Ruth said...

Right on with General Sherman, Tar heel! And the "Uncho" comment is too funny. But tell me, who is the '50 movie star in the poster? I must know!