Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy April Fool’s! A day late—what a brilliant trick!

I woke up yesterday knowing it was April Fool’s, and then promptly forgot about it all day as I went to work, spent the day in a very boring manner (wrote a paper and did some miscellaneous work-related stuff at work...), and came home.

Valerie came home with an equally boring story to tell, and it wasn’t until that evening when I was ready to go to bed that the shenanigans began

First trick goes to Val – she remade my bed so that the tag was at the top (that’s when I realized something was not right...) and the sheet didn’t come down to the end of the bed. It took me a little while to figure out that it was a trick, and then I laughed at it for about five minutes. Definitely worth the time that it took to remake my bed, and a terrific trick for a neat-freak such as myself! I firmly believe that I could have messed up her bed and neither of us would have been able to tell the difference...

Naturally, I had to get her back. My talents were somewhat limited by the lateness of the hour and the fact that she was in the room for almost the entire rest of the evening, but I did manage to

a. turn her pajamas inside-out

b. give our mirror a make-over

c. rearrange the cards Noelle and I made her for her birthday

After Valerie discovered all the tricks and had a good laugh, I thought the festivities were over, but it was not so.

This morning, before making myself some oatmeal for breakfast:

This afternoon, after coming home from work:

So far I’ve managed to change her bookmarks in her scriptures, hide her pajama pants in her pillow, and re-hide the “face” on her computer screen. It’s 11:25 p.m. now and she has two of the three tricks left to discover, so this may well turn into a month-long event. I sort of hope it does—nothing like roommate tomfoolery to reliven things around here!

By the way, every time now something seems a little bit out of place - such as my pajama shirt being turned inside out this evening, or Val's phone charger making its way into her makeup bag, or my own bookmark being put in another spot - we give each other suspicious glances. Both of us deny any involvement in these three specific cases, but they really are too quirkily appropriate to be coincidental. A magical elf, perhaps?

How was your April Fool’s Day? Any good tricks?


Kirsti said...

Goodness! I plum forgot it was a holiday. What a waste of an opportunity to bake something. Though, come to think on it, I'm not sure what I could have made that would have been appropriate. Maybe a cake with a beard on the frosting?

H G Miller said...

I forgot it until I got to seminary and Bro. Johnson was talking about it.
Alas, I performed no trick, but I thought of one that perhaps will work for next year...