Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Small Victories at Work

1. Yesterday at 1 p.m. I was desperately craving yogurt - any kind, generally, but peach specifically. The vending machine had never accepted my cash before (Your money's no good here, ha ha! No really, it's no good), but this time it did. Miracle #1. The second miracle was that I randomly selected one of the yogurts I couldn't see, hoping it didn't turn out to be mint almond-flavored fudge delight or something. Hallelujah - peach!

2. I was warned repeatedly that my mouse would run low on batteries several times throughout the semester (yeah, I'm probably going to keep calling it the semester until I get out of college-mode). It did. And the secretary was OUT. So what did I do? I relocated the new batteries, put them in, and waved the new mouse in front of the computer until it rewarded me with a green light and a balloon. I feel so self-reliant.

3. There was some kind of gluey thing on my keyboard. I couldn't use a pen, obviously, or even a pencil to get it off (turns out pencils work on more than paper - WOW!), so what did I do? Unfolded a paper clip and used THAT. Brilliant.

I might add to this list later. We shall see.


Hoosier said...

Next challenge: Go online and balance your checkbook!

Ruth said...

I'd love to, if you'd show me how first. We could chat tonight if you're interested :)

Kirsti said...

Um, mint-almond-fudge-so-called-"delight" yogurt? Ew. Just ew.

Good luck balancing your checkbook. [WARNING: nerdy confession alert!] I really enjoy doing it; it's calming and usually pretty comforting to me to do it. Particularly if I'm eating ice-cream at the time. Ice cream and balancing checkbooks go together like yogurt and mint-almond-fudge -- uh, I mean peach. Whatever.